Pondering. Tis the season of division and negative spotlight shining. It takes extra effort on my part to remember that MILLIONS of people in my community, in my country, and on my planet, do the good thing, the right thing, every day.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Please share your thoughts below. Tell me about something good you’ve seen today. Tell me how looking for good, helped you see it.

3 replies
  1. Tracy Giordano-Buckley
    Tracy Giordano-Buckley says:

    My world, my daily life, I try to see through the eyes of children. I mostly see kids having good, even great days. But I also see kids every single day that need some sort of support. The unfortunate thing is I usually see them when they are hurt, angry, sad. I try to support them as much as I can. To listen to what they have to say. To try and understand what they are feeling. For all of us….It’s sad. It’s frustrating. It hurts. Sometimes I can do nothing.
    It breaks my heart when they are crying because they are so mad and frustrated, because they think they are misunderstood, that adults don’t care.
    But I also get to see the beauty in their hearts, the light in their souls, when another child is crying, sad, frustrated. They forget why they are there, and they reach out. They offer a kind word, a sweet gesture, a gentle touch on the hand. They let them know they are not alone. That someone understands. And it brings me to tears and makes my heart swell with the beauty, the gentleness, the grace I have the extreme good fortune to witness every day.
    And I smile through my tears.

  2. Alison Wedding
    Alison Wedding says:

    My sweet dog, Lily, hopped into my lap this afternoon when I was meditating… I was quite sad over a discussion with an old friend about the upcoming election, so her timing was amazing. I suppose when I was meditating, I was looking for some comfort from the Universe and I certainly got it!
    Thanks for this post, Brad.


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