Look for the Good!

It’s a great day to start focusing on the good stuff in your life! Every day we are bombarded with negative views of the world, our country, our cities, our neighbors, and even ourselves. If you watch the nightly news, or listen to talk radio on your way in to work on a regular basis, you might become immune to the good things happening around you. Open your eyes today and see if you can find the good. Try and leave that black and white filter off, and let the colors shine through. Let yourself see, hear, taste, smell, and feel the positive things in your life. We just have to SEE them, and place them at the top of the pile. Keep those precious, positive things from being buried by the constant stream of negative that’s become so normal these days.

It’s out there, you just have to see it!

What are some postive things you can think of, off the top of your head, that you’ve buried under the pile? Share your thoughts and insights below.

0 replies
  1. Lisa Rinehart
    Lisa Rinehart says:

    I forget about the small things to be thankful for… The air we breathe, the freedoms we have. I try, daily, to spread positive vibes to all I meet.

  2. Lisa Rinehart
    Lisa Rinehart says:

    I forget about the big things to be thankful for… The air we breathe, the freedoms we have. I try, daily, to spread positive vibes to all I meet.


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